
 Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians 1-800-668-4357 (HELP)


Urgent and Emergent Support for Hospital-Based Physicians

1-800-668-4357 (HELP)

Home / Help My Hospital / Critical Care Moderate Surge Support

Critical Care Moderate Surge Support

Critical Care moderate surge management plays a key role in ensuring resources required for emergent care are available when they are needed. If your hospital is in a critical care moderate surge situation, your hospital’s Chief Executive Office or a designate can contact CritiCall Ontario’s dedicated Critical Care Moderate Surge Response Line at 1-877-668-7874 (ONTSURGE).

You will be connected to one of our Call Centre Agents who will bring your region’s critical care surge response team to the line to speak with you about the current situation and next steps of surge response.

For more information, please review the related documents below: